Concept and creation: Szymon Felkel / Saymoon Studio

photos robothespian by engineeredarts
7 animated films (video scenography) prepared for and commisioned for Copernicus Science Centre. Films were used in a theater play entitled "About Price Ferrycy and Princess Krystala" based on a story by Stanislaw Lem. Mechanical robots created by English firm Engineered Arts Limited are actors in the play. RoboThespian speak their lines in human voice, move and perform different activities. Renowned Polish actors: Marian Opania and Piotr Fronczewski among others lent their voices.
For more information and projects on the web.
Client: Copernicus Science Centre
Engineered Arts Director Will Jackson, explains about the developments that have fed Engineered Arts' latest creation "Robotic Theatre" Looking at the recent installation at Copernicus Science Centre, in Warsaw, Poland. The theatre consists of 3 robothespians, each on their own Smooth Mover track system. The system also controls moving head lights and a moving projector. All with the easy to use touchscreen interface.
My animations used in the performance
Machine designs